Monday, September 4, 2023

Your Personality and Your Career - Holland Code Test



This personality test is designed for people who have desire to understand themselves better, with a particular accent on their careers.



The Holland Occupational Themes is a theory of personality that focuses on career and vocational choice. It groups people on the basis of their suitability for six different categories of occupations. The six types yield the RIASEC acronym, by which the theory is also commonly known. The theory was developed by John L. Holland over the course of his career, starting in the 1950s. The typology has come to dominate the field of career counseling and has been incorporated into most of the popular assessments used in the field. The RIASEC Markers from the Interest Item Pool were developed by Liao, Armstrong and Rounds (2008) for use in psychological research as a public domain alternative to the usual assessments which are marketed commercially.

Benefits of the Holland Career Test are multiple:

·         Identify your strengths: the test helps individuals identify their unique strengths, interests, and skills, which can be used to guide career decisions and increase job satisfaction.

·         Aid your career exploration: the test provides individuals with a comprehensive list of career fields that match their personality type, which can help them explore and consider career options they may not have thought of before.

·         Improve goal setting: the test can help individuals set clear and specific career goals based on their personality type and interests.

·         Raise your self-awareness: the test can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their work style, which can lead to better self-awareness and personal growth.

·         Improve your decision-making: the test can help individuals make more informed career decisions by providing them with objective data and insights.



Print the list of various activities, that could be performed. For each one, imagine on how you would like it and indicate on how much you would enjoy that activity with the scale

1 – strongly dislike

2 – dislike

3 – neither like not dislike

4 – like

5 – strongly like

Input the number in the empty space to the right





To score the test add up each column (numbered 1-6 from left to right) and put the sums in the grid below.


Now take the category that you scored the highest in and that is your personality type.


This category identifies individuals who are practical, hands-on, and mechanically inclined. Those who score highly in this category prefer to work with tools, machines, and physical objects and typically enjoy occupations that involve practical, tangible activities.

The Realistic personality can be described as “doers”.  They value things you can see, touch, and do.

People who fall in the Realistic category tend to be practical, technical, systematic, and straightforward in their approach towards things. They typically prefer physical activities, working with plants and animals, or real-world materials such as wood, land, tools, and machinery.  

A person with Realistic personality likes to tackle problems and tasks hands-on, by getting right in there and doing something.  In the construction world, they are the builders. 

People with Realistic personality traits are often kinesthetic learner who like to “learn by doing” over sitting in a classroom listening to lectures. 

Most professional sports players are likely to score high on the Realistic Holland code, so much so that this personality type is sometimes referred to as “athletic.” While not exclusive to the Realistic trait, there is also a strong correlation with preferring outdoor work in this category.


This category characterizes analytical, intellectual, and curious individuals. High scorers in this category enjoy problem-solving, research, and the pursuit of knowledge, often thriving in careers that involve investigation and theoretical exploration.

Another term that could be used to describe the Investigative personality type could be the thinker.” Holland’s original name for this category was intellectual, probably because people with this personality style tend to be analytical, research-oriented, precise, and scientific. Because a lot of the work is “in their head,” Investigative persons often prefer to work independently, but not always.

Investigative persons think abstractly, enjoy searching for facts, like to deep dive for information, and love figuring out complex problems. They could be considered as idea developers and ask a ton of questions. They want to understand the how and why of things.  These are the people who thrive on calculations, theories, and challenging ideas.


this category is for creative, expressive, and imaginative individuals. Those who score highly in this category enjoy working with forms of art, music, writing, or design and typically thrive in environments that allow for self-expression and creativity.

If someone fits into the Holland artistic personality type, they are creators by nature. When it comes to solving problems or generating new ideas, these are the kind of people who are going to get creative and think outside of the box.

A person with a high Artistic Holland code is someone who is likely to be imaginative, unconventional, and emotionally expressive. In the construction world, these are the designers and architects. Artistic personality types are drawn to work that can be done without set rules or structure.


This category represents empathetic, compassionate, and cooperative individuals. High scorers in this category enjoy helping others, teaching, and facilitating personal growth and typically excel in careers involving interpersonal interaction and service to others.

The “helper” could be another word used to describe Holland’s social personality type. Within the Holland RIASEC Model, the word “social” is not used solely to describe whether a person like being around others, but rather their internal motivation related to vocational interests. For example, a person with a high Social Holland code is likely to be a team player, caring, flexible, and reliable. However, we are sure that if you stopped to think about it, you can think of at least one gregarious, extroverted person, who thrives on being the center of attention, that doesn’t fit that bill. We will talk more about this important distinction later.

When we talk about Social personality traits as they relate to occupational choice, the main goal of work for this group is service to people. They thrive on working with others to help them grow, develop, and/or heal.  They are the caretakers and the great listeners.  They are also skilled with words, but in a manner that is geared towards helping, teaching, and informing, rather than persuading.


This category identifies ambitious, persuasive, and energetic individuals. Those who score highly in this category enjoy leading, influencing, and persuading others and are often successful in roles that involve entrepreneurship, sales, or managerial tasks.

Another name for the Enterprising personality type is the “persuader”. This group of people are also great at communication and words, but their motivation is to lead, guide, influence, and persuade. These are the same reasons why they like working with people, and when asked for a single word to describe themselves, “leader” is likely to be at the top of the list. 

Someone with a high Enterprising Holland code is likely to be results-oriented, eager to take challenges head-on, spontaneous, and adventurous. They are the risk takers and are often goal-oriented towards economic gain.

Most entrepreneurs will have a relatively high Enterprising score. What business they choose to get into is likely to be related to their other interests and personality traits. For example, someone who also scores high on Artistic and Social traits might start their own dance studio, rather than work for someone else. Additionally, how well they succeed at that business can be greatly influenced by either their other scores or how well they can identify their weaknesses and get help. Every successful business needs someone with at least some organizational, time management, and accounting skills.

This category characterizes detail-oriented, organized, and methodical individuals. High scorers in this category enjoy working with data, numbers, and structured systems and typically excel in roles that require careful attention to detail, precision, and adherence to established routines and procedures.

Someone who has the Conventional personality type could also be called the “organizer”. This group tends to be focused, data-oriented, detailed, and great with numbers. On the surface, there may seem to be a lot of similarities with the Conventional and Investigative type, and there is overlap, but a key difference is that they are more logical, concrete thinkers rather than abstract.

A high Conventional RIASEC score indicates that a person is likely to be orderly, methodical, and enjoy structure in their approach towards work and life. They like working with plans and are great at keeping records (and don’t mind doing it!).


Mobile Application

You can also access the test though the Android application, available in Google Play:

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