Vedic Astrology (also called Indian astrology or Jyotish)
has an excellent method of horoscope compatibility matching based on
nakshatras, which is called Ashtakoot match, guna milap, kundli matching,
horoscope matching or simply 36 points match. It assigns points for factors
that influence married life and love life. More the points obtained, more the
chances of successful and happy married life/love life. In India, especially
among Hindus, horoscope marriage is considered as one of the most important
considerations for a successful marriage.
As the name suggests, maximum possible points are 36. If
a matching obtains less than 18 points, it is not considered good and marriage
is not advisable. Apart from 36 Points, this App also considers Mangal Dosha
(Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosham) compatibility and pronounces results by
combining these two important factors. This app also gives you detailed
interpretation of Nadi Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha and some other important factors
that needs to be considered in Vedic astrology.
Horoscope Matching app is available in Hindi and English.
Cost: Free
Rating: 4.1 out of 5 (about 4,000 reviews).
You can consult our astrologers by going to the
developers’ website: